
DigiMUN: "Bringing young people together from across the world to debate and discuss global issues!"

Founder: Alasdair Hopwood

"I started DigiMUN because I realised that during this time of global lock-down, uncertainty and isolation, MUN is in a unique position to bring us all together from across the world with a common purpose, an activity to be enjoyed and discussion to stimulate.

That is why my vision is to make DigiMUN Global, Accessible and Communal. I believe the digital platform enables a new conference experience which can enable this, with unique capabilities due to the virtual format, beyond those of a traditional conference.

Global: Facilitating the sharing of global perspectives, since delegates can join via the internet from across the world.
Accessible: Making MUN accessible to those who cannot access traditional MUN conferences, as it is available from home.
Communal: Cultivating a community spirit in a time of separation, emphasising the core MUN principles of co-operation and teamwork.

Debating current issues has never been more relevant, join us at DigiMUN 2020"

Feel free to contact me via the link below  

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